Monday, February 14, 2011

Rising from the Sands......Tomb Kings

Incoming! Tomb Kings

My first venture into the Warhammer Fantasy game was with an undead army back in the period of 2nd/3rd edition. A while later, a variant undead list appeared in White Dwarf...this list focused on the desert and mummies and I was immediately hooked more than I had been. I set about converting my combined undead force and from that point on, I've been playing what has evolved into the Tomb Kings.

I had stopped playing Fantasy for a long time, moving my focus to 40K. With the introduction of the 8th Edition of the Fantasy rules, I was hooked again. I had heard the rumors that the Tomb Kings would get a new book and new models, so I have started to review the bits I have from my Tomb King army and will patiently wait for the new book and figures in May....the next two months will be very long......

Friday, July 9, 2010

8th Edition Warhammer Fantasy FAQ's are Available....

I'm jumping on the 8th Ed FAQ bandwagon and posting a link to them on my blog as well. Many other blogs have the link posted...imitation is still flattering, right?

Warhammer Fantasy FAQs

I'm quite happy that the Tomb Kings FAQ appears to have answered the questions of using the mandatory General and Hierophant in games less than 500pts. Also, the ultimate question for Tomb King armies was how would the Incantations work with the new 8th ed magic rules. The answer, at least for now, appears to be "fantastically".

I have not been to my local GW store to look over the Fantasy rules yet. I am waiting for the boxed set due in September. Based on what I have read on line I will create a rough list to try out. As I am attempting to re-buy/re-build my Tomb Kings army, I do not yet possess enough to field a legal force. However, I have an idea that my army would include chariots, heavy horsemen, infantry with hand weapons/shields and spears/shields and at least one screaming skull catapult.

Ok, back to list outlining.....


Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Blog Post

Well, I decided to try my hand at this blogging that seems to be running rampant on the internet.

This blog will be to chronicle my modeling projects for my Warhammer 40K army, Worldeater Chaos marines and Khorne aligned Traitor Imperial Guard. That explains the Blood and Skulls in the title. I will also use this space to log my work on my Tomb King force for Warhammer Fantasy Battle which explains the Sand....

This will finish my first post and I will do my best to update this on a regular basis...

Thanks for reading...
